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Saturday 24 August 2013


These adjectives perfectly describe me
Surely God takes no delight in me
I have seen His Glory and enjoyed His fellowship but like Adam and Eve, I think I have lost it
It beats me how God will ever have mercy
I have disappointed Him that trusts me with His life
I have judged others when the going was good
Now am the case of a dog that eats the shit that it excretes
A voice in me suggests total seperation will soften the guilt
And am already walking in that false light
Maybe am predestined to be a rebel
Maybe the real me is immoral
Can never be clean
So I guess I quit the pretending
This walk to perfection is a long impossible journey

But deep inside
Deeper than the hurt
Deeper than the confusion
The lover in me cries out for my Love
I want Him more than before
I can't let go of the best thing that has happenned to me
The fellowship
The love confessions
It's like an addiction
But feels way better
Its His love that draws me near
It has caused me to see life in Him
My totality in Him
My future in Him
So what else can I do?
What identity do I have?
What worth do I have?

I Am priceless
For His priceless blood saved me
I Am a victor
Just because He says so
I can love
Because He loved me first
I am perfect
Because I trust Him.

Monday 12 August 2013

The Lord and the lamb

David!David!David!! Jesse called his last son
"Yes pa" he answered
Won't you go tend the flocks today?
"Of course pa" David answered with his lively and playful countenance, "was just taking count of the sheep".
David is a young man, brown eyes with golden hair to match. Small in stature and still in his teen years.
Not very popular amongst his peers owning to the fact that he is hardly around.
As he leaves for the day's work, he notices his brothers at the gate preparing to leave for miltary camping.
They have been threats from neighbouring Phillistine and Saul, the crowned king of Isreal has been recruiting soldiers.
He waved at them but they were busy discussing national issues.
Walking down the familiar path that leads outside bethelehem, he gathers the sheep together.
They were leaving safe grounds for uncertain wilderness.
The terrain opens up to farms and large vineyards giving some sort of country view. He watches carefully at his flocks so they don't wander into another's property.
Leaving the farms behind, he takes count again..
"142,143,144!..all complete" he says to himself with a grin. Bringing out his flute from his goatskin bag which also carries a sling and his lunch, he begins to play tunes to exalt the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Isreal. This was the daily life of David. Soon the sheep join in the tune with their bleeting, thanks to the discomfort the rugged terrain offered them. The sun already in full strenght as they approach a brook. The grasses at the bank of this stream offer a delicacy to the sheep. Sitting on a rock by the brook, David prepares to take his lunch.
Long bleats fron the sheep disturbs David's lunch signaling danger. Swiftly he brings out his sling and picks five stones from the stream bank. A brown hairy bear is charging at the sheep. Taking a stance at the very front of the first sheep, he opens fire . Missing the head by inches, he tries again and again and again and again till the last shot. Now the bear is less than 5metres away, knowning that missing this shot would spell doom, he fires again saying under his breath "am losing none!"
Crack! The middle of the forehead of the beast gives way to accommodate the stone from David's sling.
Taking another head count after gathering the sheep together, he discovers one missing. He counts again and it is still short of one. Immediately, he leaves the flock in search for this one. Like a man that lost a costly ruby even more was the manner David searched for this sheep. He has a good reason rationally losing one but no reason is befitting to satisfy his heart so he continues searching. After thirty minutes of wandering the bushes and calling out for you, he hears the soft bleat of a terrified sheep. Looking into the eyes of this lamb with love and satisfaction, he lifts him up and rests him on his shoulders.
With joy he returns to the others. Yes the same way your Father in heaven is rejoicing over you if indeed you have been found.
Is this your story?or has it reached the end where you will then be heard bleating for the shoulders of your saviour?
He leads you to the grasses growing by the stream of life...the place of fellowship!
Then the bear comes charging for your soul
Confusion sets in..then the Shepherd stands as your defender but it looks like He is missing targets
Terrified you run to where you think is safe
Only to be trapped in the twigs of despair and depression
Shadowed by the tree of fear and uncertainty
Are you bleating for Him?for He calls out to you today
So you find eternal rest and certainty and security on the shoulders of the Good Shepherd.